We curate the best cachaça from all over Brazil, helping educate our customers about this important Brazilian tradition.
From cocktails and food, to history and other curiosities, Cachacier brings you a holistic view of cachaça.
But most importantly, we create connections across boundaries. No matter who you are or where you’re from, there’s a cachaça that you will love.
Our community of explorers is open to anyone and everyone in the US over the age of 21.
Join us on a journey through the world’s greatest distilled spirit!
Meet the team
Our team of experts, cachaça lovers and fanatics, seeks out and selects the best Cachaca in Brazil to share with the world.

Peter Banks
Hey there! My name is Peter Banks, and I am the Founder and CEO of Cachacier. I started this experience to help people outside of Brazil better understand cachaça.
When I tell Brazilians that people in the US don’t know how to pronounce the word cachaça, much less understand what it is, they have a hard time believing me.
And when I tell people in the US that cachaça is the most dynamic, exciting distilled spirit in the world, most of them roll their eyes.
Cachaça is more than just a distilled spirit, though. It’s one of the best representations of Brazilian culture and life that I can think of. It embodies the country’s history and traditions, and its penchant for creativity. This spirit is older than the country itself, having been created some time just after the first European contact.
Cachaça is produced all over Brazil. And my exploration of it has taken me all over the country. And even then, I know that I’ve only experienced a tiny sliver of what cachaça has to offer.
My purpose in creating Cachacier is to create opportunities for people like you to try great cachaça, learn more about its cultural significance and history, and celebrate our common connections.
The cachaça universe is immense. With over 1,000 producers using dozens of different Brazilian woods to age cachaça, not to mention oak, you’re going to find a stimulating flavor palate with endless possibilities.
I hope you’ll join us on our adventures through cachaça and Brazil. Bem vindo! Welcome!

Marcel Rates
Marcel Rates is a member of the Cachacier tasting panel and the founder and owner of Eu Amo Cachaça, an in-person and virtual purveyor of cachaça. He is a cachaça sommelier, and has twice-served as a judge for the Cachaça Cup, a bi-annual national contest, which chooses the best cachaças across the country. He lives in Brasilia, Brazil.
As part of the Cachacier team he helps source the best cachaça from the best distilleries, helping us deliver the best products to your door.

Leticia Nobauer
Letícia “Frau Cachaça” Nobauer is from Sorocaba, São Paulo but currently lives in Austria. She is an expert in both cachaça and wine. She has a thriving import business and is creating tons of great cachaça content on social media.
She’s also a great collaborator and has become a friend in the cachaça industry. More recently, she won the first Brazilian championship in creating the Rabo de Galo, which she won in partnership with Tiê Cachaça.
As a member of the Cachacier team she provides a deep knowledge of the cultural importance of cachaça and is an expert in teaching non-Brazilians more about it. You can find her here.

Mari Mesquita
Mari Mesquita is a bartender and barista. She is a consultant for bars and restaurants all over Brazil, and teaches cocktail and coffee courses in Brasilia. She annually participates in the Coffee and Good Spirits competition.
In addition to all this, Mari works with beverage development and sensory evaluation of spirits. She was a judge of the CNA Brasil Pot Still Cachaça 2022 award and a speaker at Bar Covenant São Paulo. She is passionate about Brazilian woods and fermentation in general. It took her a while to assume that she didn't have to choose between coffee and cocktails, just mix the two with a dose of local ingredients and enjoy.
Mari’s keen senses will help Cachacier explorers better recognize and understand the variety of experiences cachaça provides. You can follow Mari on Instagram.